Posts by joaniebruce

“An Attitude of Gratitude”

Posted by on Jun 27, 2013 in General | 2 comments

When I was small, I loved to run through the grass barefooted, but I hated the thought of stepping on a honey bee. Their sting always brought tears to my eyes along with the declaration, “I’ll never run in the yard without shoes again.” However, a few days later I’d forget my vow and go running out the backdoor without shoes, only to be stung again. For this reason, I grew up hating honey bees.

As an adult, I tried to keep clover from growing in the yard so my children wouldn’t face the same bee stings I endured as a child. My husband, as a dairy farmer, explained that clover added nitrogen to the soil and was good for the pastures and, of course, our yard. But I still hated the dreaded sight of clover in the yard because where there was clover, there were honey bees.

Then several years ago, I heard that scientists were baffled to find the number of honey bees sharply decreasing. Whether the cause was disease, viral pathogens or parasitic mites in beehives, or new pesticides being integrated into the plants, scientists could not pinpoint the exact reason. The result: We saw no more honey bees in the pastures.

After that, my whole attitude toward the tiny stinging insects changed. Today, my husband and I went on a twenty minute walk around the farm to see the cows and their new baby calves. Because of the recent rains, clover was flourishing in the fields, and believe it or not, I was elated to see a honey bee darting around the clover blossoms. I saw a honey bee here, then another one there. The clover wasn’t covered with honey bees, but I was happy to see several on our short walk.

That change in attitude made me wonder how many other distasteful things in life I start out hating but later come to appreciate. For example: discipline. My parents were strict in their discipline, but because of the structure, I learned values and integrity that make me what I am today. That strong moral structure was passed on to my children, and hopefully their children.

Now, when I come in contact with something I hate, I think about the honey bees and the lesson they’ve taught me about improving my “attitude of gratitude” toward all things.

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How To Improve Your Memory

Posted by on May 11, 2013 in General | Comments Off on How To Improve Your Memory

Each and every day I pray. I ask for guidance, I ask for help, or I ask for God’s blessing on some task I’m performing.  God answers all of my prayers—not always when or how I want them, but He does answer. Sometimes, He says “yes” and grants my request. (Of course, “yes” is my favorite answer.) Often He says “no.” This answer might test my faith or make me ask the Lord “why?” but many times when I look back, I see a reason God said “no.” I understand why it was the best answer for me in that circumstance, and I’m thankful for the outcome. Then there are times when God says, “wait.” Those “wait” answers try my patience—they sometimes make me lose hope, or dent my faith. That’s why it’s important to remember the times God said “yes.”

When Joshua led God’s people across the river Jordan into the Promised Land, God told him to choose twelve men and have each one pick up a stone from the middle of the river. With those stones, they built a reminder of God’s faithfulness and watch care over them. (Joshua 4)

If God instructed Joshua to erect a remembrance pile, do you think He might approve if we do the same? Why can’t we create our own kind of remembrance? If you love flowers, why not start a flower garden and add a new flower every time God answers a huge prayer request. What a gorgeous flower garden you will have by the end of the year! And for the smaller answers, why not put a praying hand on the refrigerator for every prayer God answers during each month—with a written reminder at the bottom? As an artist, I think drawing a heart on the calendar when God answers a prayer request is a good idea. What an exciting thing to look back at the calendar for the year and see how many times God heard my prayers and answered!

It doesn’t matter how you choose to remember God’s blessings. Each person has their own unique way of remembering. The point is—remember!  God blesses us each and every day with gifts—caring friends, wonderful families, good health, a vibrant world to live in—but He also blesses us by hearing our prayers. That’s a HUGE gift from the awe-inspiring God who created the universe.  What an awesome blessing! Being grateful for his blessings is a way we can honor Him. What kind of remembrance can you create to help you improve your memory?



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Turning Something Bad Into Something Good.

Posted by on Apr 25, 2013 in General | 2 comments

Saturday I was given the opportunity to conduct a book signing at the Southland Jubilee Festival in Greensboro, Georgia. Since one of their vendors cancelled because of illness, and they didn’t want an empty space marring the perfect line of tents, the City of Greensboro offered me a booth space free of charge.

I have to tell you, sitting under the tent in upper thirty degree weather wasn’t pleasant at all! There was a bit of sunshine filtering through the edges of the tents, and my sister, Jeanie Acord, and I fought over sitting in that tiny bit of sun. However, by lunchtime, the sun was beating down on our tents, and we began peeling off layers of sweaters, jackets, and scarves. By the afternoon, we were comfortable in short sleeve shirts. You have to love our Georgia weather. 🙂

Since I had to stay at the tent permanently to sign the books we sold, several family members offered to help spell my husband Ben, who was running to get us coffee, chicken on a stick for lunch, (yum!) and various things I needed throughout the day. My helpers, Esther Curry, Katy Bruce, and David Bruce filtered in around lunchtime, and we had a family gathering right there in between book sales.

I’m not much of a salesman, so I’m not comfortable “hawking” my wares. Talking someone into buying something I made is not a cozy fit with my personality. However, my family helped ease the fear of speaking out to perfect strangers, and once we got the buyer into the tent, they almost always bought a book. Having family there to encourage, support and help me with the day turned something scary into something fun.

After the event was over, Ben and I treated our helpers to an ice cream from the Dairy Queen close by. The whole day was a pleasant memory I can store away in my “Good Memory” file—all because family and friendship made an intimidating activity bloom into something wonderful. Wouldn’t it make you happy to do the same thing for someone else going through a rough patch of life?  If you can be a friend or a help to someone in a bad situation, why not? It won’t hurt you a bit, and you might help turn  something bad into something wonderful. 🙂

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Are You Inferior?

Posted by on Apr 10, 2013 in General | 1 comment

Many of us have an inferiority complex. We’re afraid to interact with people because we think if we do, and make a mistake, others won’t love us. How many times have you stood around with your friends and blurted out some crazy thought that you either didn’t mean or it came out the wrong way? So what do we do? We crawl in our little shell and stay away from crowds so we won’t misspeak or say something embarrassing, or we keep our mouths shut to keep from humiliating ourselves.

We think we have to be perfect for others to love us. But the truth is … NONE of us are perfect. Every person you meet, every friend you have a conversation with can sympathize with your faux pas—because we ALL make them. Notice how many times people around you turn a simple phrase into an embarrassing mistake.

Don’t let mistakes in your speech or actions keep you from enjoying the fellowship and friendship of those around you. If you let yourself be “human” in front of a friend, that friend may become the closest friend you’ve ever had. And, who knows? That friend will probably make a mistake in front of you one day, and that one mistake will strengthen the bond between you and make your friendship stronger. 🙂


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Don’t You Hate Change?

Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in General | 2 comments

I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who like living in ruts. Give me my usual daily routine, and I’m happy. I like to get up in the morning, make my bed, dress for the day, check my e-mail, eat breakfast  then prepare for teaching, painting, or writing. Occasionally, I throw in the trip to town for groceries, a ride in the car with my husband to pick up a part for some piece of farm equipment, or a trip just for entertainment. BUT, if you throw something different into my usual daily routine or way of doing things, I hate it.

However, life has a way of prodding us out of those “ruts.” They’re always changing SOMETHING on the internet: New rules for facebook, new rules for my e-mail account, new rules for e-bay. I HATE NEW RULES!

Why do I hate them so? I think it’s because it takes WORK to figure out new rules….especially when it comes to something having to do with the computer. Invariably, when a new rule pops up, I balk and complain. But, you know what? Nine times out of ten, once I learn the new procedures, or the new way of doing things, I LOVE the changes. They make the whole process work so much smoother. That should teach me something! If I keep my eyes on the goal, not the immediate problems or changes, it makes the changes bearable and me a whole lot happier.   🙂


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