Would you like to FEEL God’s power in Your Prayers?
Prayer tip #1: Jesus taught us HOW to pray:
Do you REALLY believe God answers your prayers? Do you believe we have the power of God behind us when we ask God for things in His will? Would you like to SEE the power of God released in YOUR answered prayers?
Alex and Steve Kendrick (the producers of several inspiring movies, including “War Room”) offer a Bible study on prayer. This study is POWERFUL, and has changed my prayer time and my relationship with the Lord tremendously.
Since I started researching the way to pray, God has blessed me ABUNDANTLY … even more than I could have ever imagine. Click To Tweet It made such a huge impact on my life that I’m dying to share some of the things I’ve learned … from watching the movie, War Room, from our church lessons on prayer, and through reading the Bible about the power and privilege of prayer. I would love to share what I learned with you, so YOU can feel the power of God behind YOUR prayers. If you apply these principles, I believe you will have specific prayers answered, and your relationship and time with the Lord will become much sweeter.
Our pastor called the study on prayer “Prayer Boot Camp.” Why? Because it teaches us the very basics of prayer. James 4:2b says “yet ye have not, because ye ask not.” We CAN have our prayers answered and have tremendous blessings to go along with it. Click To Tweet
The first thing I learned about praying is that God only answers the prayers of His children. In order to claim God as your Father, you have to believe Jesus came to earth as a baby, was crucified on the cross, died and rose again to become a sinless sacrifice for your sins. Until you repent of your sins and ask God to save you, GOD WILL NOT HEAR YOUR PRAYERS. (John 9:31)
In the book of Matthew, chapter six, Jesus taught His disciples, and us, HOW to pray … in what we know as “The Lord’s Prayer.” If we use the acronym PRAY, it will help us remember the steps Jesus used in His prayer.
P-Praise. Jesus praised God first. Starting my prayers with adoration, reminds me of the One I’m praying to: the creator of the Universe, the God who created ME. I praise Him for His patience, mercy, kindness, His great love, and so much more.
R-Repentance. The Bible says God will not hear my prayers with sin in my life. I ask the Lord to reveal sins in my heart that I need to confess, so He will hear my prayers. (1 John 1:9)
A-Appreciation. Gratitude toward God for what He has done for me honors Him. I thank Him for the specific blessings in my life.
Y-Yearning. This involves asking God to answer my requests: the salvation of a loved one, blessings in my marriage, my health, our finances, or as intercession for a friend.
P-R-A-Y…….P…Praise, R…Repentance, A…Appreciation, Y…Yearning. This is how Jesus taught us how to pray.
The first step in filling your prayers with POWER is a challenge: I challenge you to pray EVERY DAY using the PRAY acronym. Habits are formed from repetition. If you’re like me, after you pray for several days, you will start looking forward to your time with the Lord in prayer and craving that loving relationship.
I’m praying for you, my friends, because after traveling down the road I’m sharing with you now, I have been so totally blessed. Nothing would make me happier than knowing you’ve been blessed also by drawing closer to our God in prayer.
Pray with the faith of a child!